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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Leading Scorers on the Girls Side

Addy Roller, Purdy 24.5 ppg
Maddie Hursh, Chadwick 23.0 ppg
Mikalah Hardcastle, Sparta 22.0 ppg
Lensey Denney, Everton 22.0 ppg
Josie Young, Marionville 21.8 ppg
Aubrey Buckley, Parkview 20.4 ppg
Brooke Duncan, Willard 19.7 ppg
Megan Claxton, Fordland 19.5 ppg
Tristan Carrasquillo, Verona 19.0 ppg
Demi Price, Galena 18.0 ppg
Kari Hillenburg, Pleasant Hope 17.8 ppg
Lakin Simmerman, Ash Grove 17.6 ppg
Mikaela Burgess, Webb City 17.1 ppg
Jamie Hale, Chadwick 17.0 ppg
Sara Magagna, Bolivar 16.1 ppg
Jenna Chad, Aurora 15.4 ppg
Kirsten Shuler, Halfway 15.0 ppg
Annie Armstrong 14.7 ppg

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