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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 9 Schedule

Class 5 District 6

Camdenton 27 (6-3)-(1-1) (+1) week Rolla
Lebanon 28 (5-4)-(1-1)..(-12) week Waynesville
*Camdenton 31 Lebanon 26

Waynesville 0 (2-7)-(0-2) (-15) week Lebanon
Rolla 14 (9-0)-(2-0) (+26) week Camdenton
*Rolla 32 Waynesville 16

Class 5 District 7

Nixa 56 (6-3)-(2-1) (+18) week
Parkview 25 (2-7)-(0-3) (-16) week
* Nixa 26 Parkview 25

Glendale 41 (2-7)-(1-2) (-20) week
East KC 6 () week

Kickapoo 17 (5-4)-(2-1) (+4) week
Ozark 13 (5-4)-(3-1) (+13) week
* Ozark 19 Kickapoo 15

Class 5 District 8

Belton ()-() week Ray-Pec
Central ()-() week Lee's Summit West

Lees Summit West ()-() week Central
Ray-Pec ()-() week Belton

Class 4 District 10

Hillcrest 14 (5-4)-(1-1) (+0) week Willard
Bolivar 55 (8-1)-(2-0) (+26) week Marshfield
* Bolivar 36 Hillcrest 34

Willard 21 (1-8)-(1-1) (0) week Hillcrest
Marshfield 6 (4-5)-(0-2) (-26) week Bolivar
*Willard 28 Marshfield 19

Class 4 district 11

Carl Junction 3 (5-4)-(1-1) (0) week Webb City
Carthage 40 (7-2)-(1-1) (0) week Nevada
*Carthage 31 Carl Junction 10

Webb City 48 (9-0)-(2-0) (+26) week Carl Junction
Nevada 15 (3-6)-(0-2) (-26) week Carthage
*Webb City 49 Nevada 7

Class 4 District 12

Mac County 7 (1-8)-(0-2) (-18) week Neosho
Branson 49 (5-4)-(1-1) (+3) week Republic
*Branson 42 Mac County 10

Neosho 38 (6-3)-(2-0) (+23) week Mac County
Republic 21 (3-6)-(1-1) (-8) week Branson
*Neosho 35 Republic 21

Class 3 District 9

Osage ()-() week Versailles
Eldon ()-() week California

Versailles ()-() week Osage
California ()-() week Eldon

Class 3 District 10

Mt. Grove 56 (6-2)-(1-1) (0) week Ava
Buffalo 0 (2-7)-(0-2) (-26) week Logan Rogersville
*Mt. Grove 36 Buffalo 7

Ava 6 (7-2)-(1-1) (0) week Mt. Grove
Logan Rogersville 35 (8-1)-(2-0) (+26) week Buffalo
* Logan Rogersville 29 Ava 24

Class 3 District 11

Mt. Vernon 29 (4-5)-(1-1) (-3) week Aurora
Reeds Spring 19 (1-8)-(0-2) (-23) week Catholic
*Mt. Vernon 29 Reeds Spring 14

Aurora 14 (2-7)-(1-1) (0) week Mt. Vernon
Catholic 28 (6-3)-(2-0) (+26) week Reeds Spring
*Catholic 28 Aurora 25

Class 3 District 12

East Newton 0 (1-8)-(0-2) (-26) week Cassville
Monett 37 (8-1)-(1-1) (0) week Seneca
*Monett 35 East Newton 11

Cassville 24 (8-1)-(2-0) (+24) week East Newton
Seneca 13 (6-3)-(1-1) (+2) week Monett
*Cassville 28 Seneca 27

Class 2 District 9

Houston (1-7)-(0-1) (-2) week Cuba
Liberty (6-2)-(1-0) (+13) week Willow Springs
*Liberty 35 Houston 12

Cuba (3-5)-(0-1) (-13) week Houston
Willow Springs (3-5)-(1-0) (+2) week Liberty
*Willow Springs 28 Cuba 11

Class 2 District 10

Fair Grove 38 (9-0)-(2-0) (+21) week Pleasant Hope
Strafford 30 (5-4)-(1-1) (+5) week Ash Grove
*Fair Grove 28 Strafford 25

Pleasant Hope (0-8)-(0-1) (-13) week Fair Grove
Ash Grove (2-6)-(0-1) (-13) week Strafford
*Ash Grove 28 Pleasant Hope 6

Class 2 District 11

Stockton 35 (3-6)-(1-1) (0) week Lamar
Diamond 18 (1-8)-(0-2) (-26) week Pierce City
*Stockton 28 Diamond 11

Pierce City 0 (5-4)-(1-1) (0) week Diamond
Lamar 35 (3-6)-(2-0) (+26) week Stockton
*Pierce City 35 Lamar 13

Class 2 District 12

Skyline (4-3)-(0-1) (-13) week Cole Camp
Warsaw (8-0)-(1-0) (+13) week El Dorado Springs
*Warsaw 35 Skyline 19

Eldorado Springs (5-3) (1-0) (+13) week Warsaw
Cole Camp (2-5) (0-1) (-13) week Skyline
*Eldo Springs 31 Cole Camp 12

Class 1 District 3

Thayer 41 (8-1) (2-0) (+26) week Cabool
Marionville 18 (4-5)-(1-1)
(-6) week Miller
*Thayer 35 Marionville 14

Miller 7 (6-2)-(1-1) (-6) week Marionville
Cabool 0 (1-7)-(0-2) (-14) week Thayer
*Miller 35 Cabool 12

Class 1 District 4

Jasper 55 (7-2)-(2-0) (+17) week Sarcoxie
McAuley 0 (0-9)-(0-2) (-26) week Lockwood
* Jasper 35 McAuley 10

Lockwood 39 (5-4)-(1-1) (+9) week McAuley
Sarcoxie 15 (4-5)-(1-1) (0) week Jasper
*Lockwood 28 Sarcoxie 26

Class 1 District 5

Rich Hill (0-8)-(0-1) (-13) week Greenfield
Liberal (4-4)-(0-1) (-13) week Osceola
*Liberal 28 Rich Hill 6

Greenfield 54 (8-1)-(2-0) (+26) week Rich Hill
Osceola 0 (6-3)-(1-1) (0) week Liberal
*Greenfield 29 Osceola 19

Class 1 District 6

Appleton City ()-() week Adrian
Drexel ()-() week Archie

Archie ()-() week Drexel
Adrian ()-() week Appleton City

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